
Order Status

How will I know if my order has been placed successfully?

You will receive an email and SMS confirmation from GotiFab once your order has been successfully placed. The mail will have all the details related to your order.

How do I check the status of my order?

To check the status of your order, log into your account and go to the my Orders section to get all the information.

Can I modify the shipping address of my order after it has been placed?

The shipping address of your order can only be modified if your order hasn’t been packed yet at our warehouse. To modify your shipping address, please get in touch with our Customer Care team at [email protected] or whatsapp us +91 9909434988.

How can I track my order?

1. Go to the service provider’s website
2. Type in the tracking number provided in the mail in the Tracking section and check the status

How long will it take for my order to reach me?

We ship orders within 1-2 business days. Orders will be delivered within 7-9 business days. In some cases, it may take longer, depending on your location.

My order shows delivered but I have not received it.

Generally, our courier partners deliver the order to the intended recipient at the delivery address only. In case, you have not received the order, we request you to whatsaap us on +91 9909434988 or mail us at [email protected] within 48 hours of the delivery intimation from our end. We shall arrange proof of delivery for you within 48 hours of your complaint from the aligned courier partner. Kindly note, any complaint raised after 48 hours of receiving the delivery intimation may not be considered.

I was not available to collect my order. Will the delivery be reattempted?

Yes. If you were unavailable to collect your order, our courier partner will attempt the delivery up to two more times. If you are aware of your future unavailability, please do inform our customer care team on +91 9909434988 so that we can attempt the delivery at a later date.
